"Very impressive work, and a real contribution to the local jazz scene!" Luke Capone

Spring 2004 Music Magic Magazine 

"Bob Meyers, Troy Campbell, Orpheus Jazz, Adrien Re, Jazz Perspectives"

Summer 2004 Music Magic Magazine 

"Bill Mayhugh, Mike Thornton, Rick Whitehead"

Fall 2004 Music Magic Magazine 

"Scott Giambusso, Warren Fisher, The LaSalle Dance Orchestra, Colvin Run Dance for Charity"

Winter 2005 Music Magic Magazine 

"Halley Schonberg, Roger Rossi, The Stratmore"

Fall 2005 Music Magic Magazine 

"Don Junker, Music Fashion"

Winter 2007 Music Magic Magazine 

"Orpheus S'Wonderful, Terry Dearmore, Chuck Bubeck, Tony Nalker, PC Express"

Winter 2009 Music Magic Magazine 

"Orpheus Take 5 for Christmas, Terry Dearmore, Cover Model Eleanor"





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